Configuring Infobip with the ZEMS Incoming Webhook
Configuring Infobip with the ZEMS Incoming Webhook

Configuring Infobip with the ZEMS Incoming Webhook

Configure an Infobip number with the incoming ZEMS webhook. Use an incoming webhook with a base parameter so that you can use the same incoming webhook for multiple numbers from the same Infobip account. The webhook can target one or more groups and users using URL query parameters.
  1. Open and navigate to
    Channels and Number
    SMS numbers page on Infobip site
  2. Click the Infobip number you want to assign the incoming ZEMS webhook to and click
    Add Keyword
    The Add Keyword dialog enables you to configure the number with the webhook details.
  3. Configure the
    Add keyword
    dialog with the following information:
    • Set
      to Forward to HTTP.
    • Set
      to POST.
    • Set
      to JSON.
    • Enter the URL from the ZEMS incoming webhook in the
  4. Optionally, if you created a base incoming webhook, configure it with these parameters:
    • Add
      at the end of the URL to specify targets.
    • site
      = PTT Pro department or ZEMS site
    • user
      = PTT Pro user name
    • group
      = PTT Pro group
    Separate query parameters with &. Refer to Types of Incoming Webhooks for more information about webhook parameters.
  5. Click
Infobip can also be configured with webhooks for WhatsApp. The configuration is similar to the previous process described for text messaging. Refer to the Infobip documentation for more information.