Creating Webhooks for Twilio
Creating Webhooks for Twilio

Creating Webhooks for Twilio

Twilio can be used with ZEMS to provide a communication channel between
Workcloud Communication PTT Pro
users and external applications or services such as WhatsApp or SMS. This enables enterprise associates to communicate directly with customers using consumer devices.
An example might be a customer sending a text message that they have arrived at a store to pick up purchased items. The difference between the ZEMS integration with Teams is that the ZEMS to Teams and Teams to ZEMS communication channels are independent, ZEMS to Twilio communication depends on Twilio to ZEMS communication to occur first. The reply-path information from the incoming communication is used to send a response back to the customer.
Communication Flow Between ZEMS and Twilio
ZEMS receives a message from Twilio and provides a reply channel