IWG Endpoints
IWG Endpoints

IWG Endpoints

Use the IWG.Endpoints to add, delete, and verify IWG endpoints.
The IWG.Endpoints includes the following methods:
DELETE /iwg/api/v1/endpoints
Deletes multiple endpoints. Specify each endpoint by its name.
DELETE /iwg/api/v1/endpoints/{eid}
Deletes endpoints identified by their endpoint name, site name, target type, target name, and proxy name.
GET /iwg/api/v1/endpoints
Retrieves all of the endpoints for the specified site.
GET /iwg/api/v1/endpoints/{eid}
Retrieves endpoints identified by their endpoint name, site name, target type, target name, and proxy name.
PATCH /iwg/api/v1/endpoints
Verifies the endpoints. Specify each endpoint by its name.
POST /iwg/api/v1/endpoints
Creates an endpoint. This method requires the endpoint name, site name, target type, target name, and proxy name.