Configuration Process
Configuration Process

Configuration Process

You define regions and sites and assign managers in the ZEMS server.
  1. Define the regions. This includes specifying the top-level regions and child regions. A child region may also contain child regions, creating a multi-level hierarchy. To add regions, use one of the following methods:
    • Use the Regions/Sites tab in the ZEMS portal.
    • Use the ZEMS API Region controller.
  2. Associate sites (PTT Pro departments) with the regions. Every region that does not have child regions needs to have a site associated with it. To add sites to regions, use one of the following methods:
    • Use the Regions/Sites tab in the ZEMS portal.
    • Use the ZEMS API Region.Sites controller.
  3. Assign managers to regions and sites by associating PTT Pro user IDs with the region or site. Every region, child region, and site may have one or more managers and a single PTT Pro user may manage multiple regions. To assign managers to regions and sites, use one of the following methods:
    • Use the Regions/Sites tab in the ZEMS portal to associate managers with sites.
    • Use the Users tab in the ZEMS portal to associate managers with regions or sites.
    • Use the ZEMS API Region.Managers controller to associate managers with regions or sites.