This section provides details about the printer's RFID menu.
RFID Setting
RFID Status
Display the status of the RFID subsystem of the printer.
SGD: rfid.error.response
RFID Calibrate
Initiate tag calibration for RFID media. (Not the same as media calibration.) During the process, the printer moves the media, calibrates the RFID tag position, and determines the optimal settings for the RFID media being used.
SGD: rfid.tag.calibrate
Read RFID Data
Read and return the specified tag data from the RFID tag.
SGD: rfid.tag.read.content & rfid.tag.read.execute
During the RFID test, the printer attempts to read and write to a transponder.
SGD: rfid.tag.test & rfid.tag.test.execute
RFID Programming Position
If the desired programming position (read/write position) is not achieved through RFID tag calibration, a value may be specified.
SGD: rfid.position.program
RFID Read Power
If the desired read power is not achieved through RFID tag calibration, a value may be specified.
SGD: rfid.reader_1.power.read
RFID Write Power
If the desired write power is not achieved through RFID tag calibration, a value may be specified.
SGD: rfid.reader_1.power.write
RFID Valid Count
Resets the RFID valid label counter to zero.
SGD: odometer.rfid.valid_ resettable
RFID Void Count
Resets the RFID void label counter to zero.
SGD: odometer.rfid.void_ resettable