Anchored Mode Demo
Anchored Mode Demo

Anchored Mode Demo

Anchored mode captures an image of fixed size and location relative to a barcode on the page. Parameters control the height, width, and location.
The IDC firmware requires that a barcode is present in order to capture an image. It decodes the barcode and uses it to adjust the image to the upright orientation.
  • Set IDC Operating Mode to
  • Set parameters to these values:
    • Set IDC Height to
    • Set IDC Width to
    • Set IDC X Coordinate to
    • Set IDC Y Coordinate to
  • Pull the trigger. The scanner decodes the barcode and captures an image of the text scroll.
  • Rotate the form clockwise so the word
    is along the bottom edge, and pull the trigger. The scanner decodes the barcode and captures the same image, including orientation. (This example also works with the form rotated counter-clockwise or upside down).
  • Modify the values for height, width, x, and y. Pull the trigger. The captured area changes in size and location.
  • Cover the barcode with a small piece of paper (or your finger) and pull the trigger. The scanner does not decode the barcode or capture an image.