The device attempts to scan the programmed number of unique barcodes (from 2 through 100).
If there are duplicate barcodes (same symbology type and data), only one of the duplicate barcodes is decoded and the remainder are ignored. If the label has two duplicate barcodes plus another two different barcodes, a maximum of three barcodes will be decoded from that label; one will be ignored as a duplicate.
Barcodes can be of multiple symbology types and still be acquired together. For example, if the specified quantity for a Basic MultiBarcode scan is four, two barcodes can be symbology type Code 128 and the other two can be symbology type Code 39.
If the specified number of unique barcodes is not initially in view of the device, the device will not decode any data until the device is moved to capture the additional barcode(s) or time out occurs. If the device field of view contains a number of barcodes greater than the specified quantity, the device randomly decodes barcode(s) until the specified number of unique barcodes is reached. For example, if the count is set to two and eight barcodes are in the field of view, the device decodes the first two unique barcodes it sees, returning the data in random order.
Basic MultiBarcode Mode does not support concatenated barcodes.