Name | Type | Opcode | Description |
AIM_OFF | H | 0xC4 | Deactivate aiming pattern. |
AIM_ON | H | 0xC5 | Activate aiming pattern. |
BEEP | H | 0xE6 | Sound the beeper. |
CAPABILITIES_REPLY | D | 0xD4 | Reply to CAPABILITIES_REQUEST; contains a list of the capabilities and commands the decoder supports. |
CAPABILITIES_REQUEST | H | 0xD3 | Request capabilities report from the decoder. |
CMD_ACK | H/D | 0xD0 | Positive acknowledgment of received packet. |
CMD_NAK | H/D | 0xD1 | Negative acknowledgment of received packet. |
DECODE_DATA | D | 0xF3 | Decode data in SSI packet format. |
EVENT | D | 0xF6 | Event indicated by associated event code. |
LED_OFF | H | 0xE8 | De-activate LED output. |
LED_ON | H | 0xE7 | Activate LED output. |
PARAM_DEFAULTS | H | 0xC8 | Set parameter default values. |
PARAM_REQUEST | H | 0xC7 | Request values of certain parameters. |
PARAM_SEND | H/D | 0xC6 | Send parameter values. |
REPLY_REVISION | D | 0xA4 | Reply to REQUEST_REVISION, contains the decoder's software/hardware configuration. |
REQUEST_REVISION | H | 0xA3 | Request the decoder's configuration. |
SCAN_DISABLE | H | 0xEA | Prevent the operator from scanning barcodes. |
SCAN_ENABLE | H | 0xE9 | Permit barcode scanning. |
SLEEP | H | 0xEB | Request to place the decoder into low power. |
START_DECODE | H | 0xE4 | Tell the decoder to attempt to decode a barcode. |
STOP_DECODE | H | 0xE5 | Tell the decoder to abort a decode attempt. |
WAKEUP | H | N/A | Wake the decoder from low power mode. |