ZEMS Features
ZEMS Features

ZEMS Features

The Zebra Enterprise Messaging Service (ZEMS) is an add-on service to
Workcloud Communication PTT Pro
. ZEMS is available upon request, during initial onboarding, or later. Contact the Service Desk to enable ZEMS services.
The ZEMS service provides:
  • Basic text messaging from users to users or groups, including the ability to reply.
  • Sending audio, video, or image files as an attachment to a message.
  • Broadcast messaging enables managers to send a one-way message to users in regions or sites.
  • Integration with applications such as Microsoft Teams and messaging services such as Twilio and Infobip through Webhooks.
  • IWG endpoints to send announcements and messages from third-party applications.
ZEMS is supported on
Workcloud Communication PTT Pro
apps and is incorporated seamlessly into the end-user experience. A browser-based
ZEMS Web Client
is also available for desktop users.