Lock-task Mode
Lock-task Mode

Lock-task Mode

Lock-task mode blocks all applications from launching except those specified on the AllowList.
Administrators must add Zebra Workstation Connect and DisplayLink to the list of allowed applications by providing their package name prior to enabling Lock-task mode. Zebra Workstation Connect and DisplayLink must be on the AllowList.
Administrators must ensure that the applications defined in the docking and undocking rules are added to the AllowList in Lock-task mode. It is not necessary to configure rules for applications that are not used in Lock-task mode.
When a device is in Lock-task mode, the following screen elements display for applications that are on the AllowList:
  • The All Apps panel
  • Desktop shortcuts
  • Add shortcut menu
  • Notifications panel (shows notifications of allowed applications only)
  • Taskbar showing running applications
When applications on the AllowList are pushed to the Lock-task mode profile from an EMM, changes apply to the device immediately. However, a device undock and redock is required for the changes to apply to the desktop home screen on the external monitor. Applications with defined rules for docking and undocking must be added to the AllowList.
Application shortcuts that link to approved applications perform as expected. Shortcuts for web links, files and intents are displayed, but perform as expected only if the application required to launch the shortcut is added to the AllowList.
If the device is rebooted while docked, the device must be undocked and redocked for changes to apply.