Grounding for Electro-Magnetic Compliance and ESD Safe
Grounding for Electro-Magnetic Compliance and ESD Safe

Grounding for Electro-Magnetic Compliance and ESD Safe

The vision system is designed with a rugged metal chassis connected internally to ground for robust Electro-Magnetic Compliance (EMC) and ESD Safe operation. Do not mount to any conductive object, body, structure, or mechanism that may become connected to line voltage or a voltage potential other than Protected Earth Ground. Chassis grounding via cable shield, mounting screws, or low inductance ground strap to a local Protected Earth Ground is acceptable.
There is no galvanic connection to Earth Ground when the device is powered over an unshielded Ethernet cable. In this scenario, grounding to local Earth Ground through another cable shield, mounting screw, or ground strap is required for ESD Safe compliance and best practice for EMC.