Torque Specification
Torque Specification
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Torque Specification

Each connector requires a specific torque value.
To guarantee an IP65 or IP67 product specification, Zebra cables or connector covers must be torqued to the following specifications:
  • Torque for M12 Zebra cables: 24.0 in-lbs
  • Torque for connector covers: 10.0 in-lbs
  • Torque for M12 Zebra cables (xS20 only): 24.0 in-lbs
  • Torque for USB-C cables (FS10 only): 1 in-lb
  • Torque for connector covers (xS20 only): 10.0 in-lbs
Connector covers are hand-tightened from the factory to allow for easy hand removal. The covers must be torqued at installation to guarantee an IP65 or IP67 specification if cables are not used.
To ensure proper connector cover seating, refer to the following diagram for the reference dimension (5.80 mm) of the connector covers.