Sending Results to the Host Over Serial and TCP/IP
Sending Results to the Host Over Serial and TCP/IP

Sending Results to the Host Over Serial and TCP/IP

Results can be sent over TCP/IP, serial, or both.
To determine a location where results are sent:
  1. Navigate to the
    screen using the left menu on the
  2. Locate the
    Leader to Host
    section of the
    screen and select the desired terminators from the dropdown menu: None, CR, LF, CRLF TCP/IP, or Null.
    The GS20 is unable to set None as a terminator. When Serial is None in the GS20 Web HMI, the default is to output CR+LF instead. When TCP is Null, the output appends no terminator. To set a terminator using TCP, select a Null terminator in the advanced formatting options in Zebra Aurora on the follower side, followed by standard CR+LF. In this case, the GS20 removes CR+LF and keeps the Null terminator.
  3. Toggle the Output via TCP to send results via TCP.
  4. Click
    to apply the changes.