Configuration Barcodes
Configuration Barcodes

Configuration Barcodes

Configuration Barcodes
tab generates barcodes using a device configuration snapshot. Use an existing configuration snapshot or select the currently managed device setup to deploy to multiple cameras.
Configuration barcodes are generated and applied to fixed scanners (FS) only. Vision scanners (VS) cannot generate or apply configuration barcodes.
To generate a configuration barcode:
  1. Navigate to the
    Configuration Barcodes
  2. Select a
    Device Setup
    to create a snapshot from the current managed device or load one from the PC.
    If the device is not managed, you cannot select a setup from the device. When a device is not managed, its status is indicated next to the
    Currently Managed Device
    To create a saved configuration snapshot of a connected device, click
    Create Configuration Snapshot
    Devices Details.
  3. Configure the size of the barcode being exported. The options are Small, Medium, or Large. The default size is Medium.
  4. Enable
    Replace Network Settings
    to replace the network settings from the configuration file with the network settings of the new device that the configuration is being deployed onto.
  5. Enable
    Replace Hostname
    to replace the hostname in the configuration file with the hostname of the new device that the configuration is being deployed onto.
  6. Click