Heater Control
Heater Control

Heater Control

The device heater ensures optimum performance in freezers.
The Heater Control app is only applicable to freezer configurations.
The heater benefits include:
  • Touch screen heater clears condensation on the display.
  • The user interface displays current temperatures.
By default, the app displays temperature in degrees centigrade. To switch to degrees fahrenheit, touch the menu icon and select
Show in °F


tab displays the following:
  • Device temperature
  • Device humidity
  • Heater staus.

Touch Panel Heater

Touch Panel Heater tab is available on Freezer configurations only.
Use the
Touch Panel Heater
tab to enable and set the heater for the touch panel.
  • Enable Heater
    - Turns on or off the Touch panel heater. When on, the switch turns gray.
  • Heater on threshold
    - Set the temperature at which the heater turns on (default - 15°C/59°F).
  • Heater off threshold
    - Set the temperature at which the heater turns off (default - 22°C/71°F).