Import Process
Import Process

Import Process

To get started, navigate to Profile Manager and download a copy of the build user import template.
  1. From the Dashboard, click
    Device User Management
    , and then
    Device Users
    Device Users
    screen appears.
    Device Users Screen
  2. Click the
    Import Device Users
    link in the right pane.
  3. The CSV template can be downloaded by the link shown in the
    Bulk Import User
  4. Once the template is downloaded, populate with the desired information.
    Bulk Import Users Screen
    Sample Populated CSV File Template
    1. As stated above, there are common data columns used both by Profile Manager and by
      PTT Pro
      . Details of each element’s use is listed in Table 1.
    2. The Elements required to populate the template are:
  5. User Import File Column Head Descriptions
    Server Usage
    Profile Manager Usage
    PTT Pro
    User Name
    The User Name field is required. The field accepts from 1 to 255 alphanumeric and special characters.
    The User Login field is required. The field accepts from 1 to 24 alphanumeric characters, a dash, and a period.
    Determine the User name (userID) that meets the requirements in both systems.
    If the user name contains a domain name like user2@pttpro or pttpro\user2, the domain name is stripped and the element is set to login name.
    Password should contain minimum 10 characters and maximum 128 characters. Password must meet at least 3 out of the following 4 complexity rules, (at least 1 lowercase, uppercase, digit & special character). not more than 2 identical characters in a row.
    <Not used>
    First Name
    The field accepts from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters and special characters.
    Field accepts from 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters and special characters.
    Determine the User's first name that meets the requirements in both systems.
    Last Name
    The field accepts from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters and special characters.
    The field accepts from 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters and special characters.
    Determine the User's last name that meets the requirements in both systems.
    User Role Levels
    Specify the Role level used in hierarchical Role selection.
    <Not used>
    If both Role Level and Role columns are populated for a User, the Role Level is used and the Role column is ignored. Specify only One Role Level.
    Role Level is case sensitive. When the level is created, the same case must be used in the csv import.
    User Roles
    Select User Role from the drop-down list. User Roles must be established prior to import.
    <Not used>
    If Role Level is not specified, then this column is a listing of Roles for the user. One or more Roles must be defined and separated by commas.
    Roles must exist before the import is executed.
    Field describing the User's organization. The field accepts from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters and special characters.
    <Not used>
    The field describes the User's Department. The field accepts from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters and special characters.
    The field describes the User's Department. The field accepts from 1 to 25 alphanumeric characters and special Characters. Entry specifically identifies which Department to create the user.
    For PFM this is simply a description field. In Pro, this field must exactly match an existing Department container for the given customer.
    Force Logout
    When enabled if the user logs in on another device without logging off of the first device, the system automatically logs off the first device.
    <Not used>
    Authentication Method
    Selection options are BASIC or OAUTH2. Basic causes the user's credentials to be validated from the User name and Password entered above. OAUTH2 causes the user's credentials to be prompted for and validated against the AD-connected system.
    <Not used>
    The WFC PTT Pro server does support Oauth to provide a shared device model, but there is no actual Authentication Method switch per user. The entry must be made in capital letters -- BASIC or OAUTH2
    PBX Extension
    Create the extension in the extension manager.
    <Not used>
    This functionality is not supported in the CSV import. Available only at the time of creating a user, updating UI, and importing the active directory.
    <Not used>
    User's phone number if SMS activation is planned. This is not a required field.
    Group User Template
    <Not used>
    Defines the Talk Group Template to use. Four possible entries are admin, sme, associate, or standard.
    FeatureKeysT emplate
    <Not used>
    Defines the Feature Key template to be mapped to the user. This template is created in
    PTT Pro
    at the customer level before importing the user.
    ClientSettings Template
    <Not used>
    Defines the Feature Key template to be mapped with the user. This template is created in
    PTT Pro
    at the customer level before importing the user.
    <Not used>
    During Oauth validation the response from AD this return string determines the User's profile.
  6. Once the import.csv table is built, it may be imported via the browser or the API interface.
  7. To import through the browser, return to the Device User page and click Import.
  8. Navigate to or drag the .csv into the window to import it.
    There is a choice to Overwrite the existing records or to Replace the entire database. Replacing deletes all user records from the system, so be mindful of this operation, if selected.
    1. Overwrite
        leaves the user records in place, making adjustments to any existing records as specified in the .csv. If there are new records, they are added.
    2. Replace Entire Database
        initializes all User records, and then imports the records into the Profile Manager and
      PTT Pro
      server as specified in the .csv. In
      PTT Pro
      , all existing Users are deleted for the Customer, but the Departments remain intact.
      Import via Browser
  9. In
    Map System Attributes
    , select the desired button to add users to
    Profile Manager System
    PTT Pro System
    , or
    Map System Attributes Screen
  10. In the lower section of the screen, click on the
    Profile Manager System
    PTT Pro System
    tabs to map the .csv elements to various data fields in each of the servers.
    The mapping for all columns in the .csv must be assigned to server target data elements, or set to be
  11. Once the attribute mapping is complete, click
    to begin the job.
    When completed, the system returns to the
    Device User
    Figure 76 is a sample of an import file and the resulting status.
    Import File
  12. To check the job status, click
    Import Device Users
    , then select
    View Last Import Status
    View Last Import Status Screen
    In these three User examples, the import used the
    the entire User Database option and was imported into both
    Profile Manager (PFM)
    PTT Pro
    . The Profile Manager had no existing user records, and there were three existing User records in
    PTT Pro
    prior to the import.
  13. Verify all records were added as expected to Profile Manager and
    PTT Pro