Start/Restart the Client with a New Configuration
Start/Restart the Client with a New Configuration

Start/Restart the Client with a New Configuration

  • If a new .json config file has been delivered to the device and the default filename is used, the following intent reads the config and restarts the client with the new parameters. The user is logged out of the Zebra PTT Pro and Voice applications returning them to the PFM Sign-In Screen.
    adb shell am start -a "com.zebra.dfs.ACTION_NEW_CONFIG"
  • The following command includes the syntax for including a specific config file name:
    adb shell am start -a "com.zebra.dfs.ACTION_NEW_CONFIG" --es profile_uri /sdcard/WFCDFSConfig.json
    The broadcast function for Action_New_Config has been deprecated starting in version 2.0.20207. Start should now be used going forward.
  • Useful for the Administrator, this is used by the administrator to prepare the device for runtime by ingesting the configuration and then logging out the user. To log out a currently logged in user:
    adb shell am broadcast -a "com.zebra.dfs.ACTION_SERVICE_LOGOUT" --es Exit stop