Update Tenant Configuration
Update Tenant Configuration

Update Tenant Configuration

You must have privileges to update tenant configuration.
  1. From the dashboard, click
    Update Tenant Configuration
    screen appears.
  2. Edit the fields.
  3. Click
    Edit Customer Screen
    Use the following table to set up the Tenant Configuration:
    Customer ID
    Customer Identifier. View only field.
    Hidden Department
    Name of the hidden department configured in the extension manager. This field is used to reserve the extension for the user.
    Authentication Method
    Authentication method. Possible values include: OAUTH, IMPRIVATA, LAUNCHER
    Landing Application
    This feature enables the customer to choose which application to display in the foreground after the role is selected in the Profile Client.
    Possible values:
    • BACKGROUND: This feature enables the customer to choose which application to display in the foreground after the role is selected in the Profile Client.
    • VOICE: If the roles selected have both PTT PRO and VOICE profiles, then the VOICE application displays in the foreground after the role selection. If there is only a PTT PRO profile, then the PTT PRO application appears in the foreground.
    • PTT PRO: If the selected roles have both PTT PRO and VOICE profiles, then the PTT PRO application displays in the foreground after the role selection. If there is only a VOICE profile, then the VOICE application appears in the foreground.
    • PROFILE CLIENT:  Profile Client displays in the foreground.
    • Default Value: BACKGROUND
    Device Cleanup Threshold in Days
    All the devices in this tenant which are not logged in to the PFM system for this cleanup and threshold days are deleted from PFM, PTT PRO, and obsoleted from Extension Manager and PVM systems. If the Extension Manager and the PVM device are obsoleted instead of forced delete. This is important when we cannot get the permanent device identifier for the devices. For example, in Third-Party Android devices or in the future version of Android OS, the device ID is changed after the factory reset.
    If this field is not configured, then device cleanup for this tenant is not performed.
    Possible values: 2 to 365 days
    If there are no third-party devices, we recommend not configuring this parameter.
    OAUTH Details
    Host Url
    URL to the OAuth server.
    Authentication Path
    URI endpoint for the OAuth server.
    Token Path
    Token path to the OAuth server.
    Client ID
    Customer-generated Client ID (comes from the Customer's OAuth server).
    Client Secret Key
    Client secret key. It is an optional field for some of the OAUTH configurations.
    Token Username
    The user field within the token is used to identify the individual user.
    OAUTH details fields are applicable for all authentication methods.
    Client Authentication
    Possible values:
    • Send client credentials in the body.
    • Send as Basic Auth header.
    For the existing tenants, if this field is not configured, then the client credentials are sent in both header and body.
    All existing tenants are not able to modify any tenant configurations and save them unless they select one of the values in client authentication. And after selecting the value, the default value changes, and the client configurations are only sent either in the header or body.
    Active Directory Details
    Active Directory ObjectClass value is used to identify the type of object during user roles import. Default value: group
    Group Class
    Active Directory ObjectClass value is used to identify the type of object during user roles import. Default value: group
    User Class
    Active Directory ObjectClass value is used to identify the type of object during user import. Default value: person.
    AD Whitelist
    List of AD attribute names. Changes to these attributes are ignored during the user import.
    Return to Foreground Interval (earlier it is called Interval)
    Sets the interval, in minutes, to bring the profile client to the foreground if the client is already logged in and waiting for the user input to select a site or a role. This is required when the user has not completed his login and returned to some other application Default value: 0 (disabled)
    No of attempts to return to foreground
    Sets the number of attempts to return to the foreground. Possible values: 0 to 100. Default Value: 0 (disabled).
    Return to Login Interval
    Sets the interval, in minutes, to show the Click
    button to remind the user to log in and select a role. Default value: 0 (disabled)
    Max Report Records
    A maximum number of records can be downloaded from System Reports.
    Pttpro Settings
    Default Callee group
    The default group name is used to make a call when the PTT key is pressed.
    This does not work when a voice command is enabled.
    AllStoreGroup Name
    Configures Default dynamic group name where all the users are added. For example,  all. store
    Default value: Empty (User is not added to any group).
    The group name should be added as a role in the system.
    Add to AllDynamicGroup
    Configures how users are added to the dynamic group. When true, the user is added to all of the dynamic groups/roles.
    • is added to the currently selected dynamic group with receiveCall and originateCall as true and talker override as false. The user can initiate or listen to group calls. During logout, the group membership is set with receiveCall, originateCall, and talker override as false.
    • is added to the non-selected dynamic group to which the user is assigned with the receiveCall=false, originateCall =true, and talker override=false. The user can initiate a group call but is not able to listen to the group calls. During logout or switching roles, the group membership is set with receiveCall, originateCall, and talker override as false.
    When false (default), the user is added to the currently selected dynamic group with receiveCall, originateCall, and talker override based on the group user template selected for the user during import. If no template is selected, the STANDARD template is used. During logout or switching roles, the group membership is set with receiveCall, originateCall, and talker override as false.
    • During the logout, the users are not removed from the group, so the login time is reduced as less number of API requests are triggered to PTT Pro server during login.
    • When Profile Manager is deployed with the ZEMS server, if there is a broadcast message to a group when the user is logged out, those messages are visible when the user logs in again. It happens because the Profile Manager does not remove the user from the group during logout and the ZEMS server does not keep track of receiveCall group membership settings while sending the message.
    Site Selection
    Configures whether the user has the capability to change the site dynamically during the profile client login.
    When true, the device user is presented with a Site Selection page. When false (default), the user has no capability to change the site dynamically.
    List of sites is taken from the PTT Pro Side configuration (ESN).
    Role Settings
    Displays the preference in the
    Profile Client Role Selection
    Transfer Role Settings
    Transfer Role
    Default Value: Disable
    If it is disabled, Transfer Role settings during Role configuration are ignored at the time of device login.
    Transfer Role Count Down in Seconds
    Countdown Timer in seconds
    Possible values: 5 to 300
    Default value: 15
    Notification is displayed on both devices until this countdown timer elapses. It is considered a force transfer if the countdown timer elapses without the user replying to the message.
    Role Display Preference
    Displays the preference in the
    Profile Client Role Selection
    Possible Values:
    • Roles and Description – Displays both the Role and the Description.
    • Roles Only– Displays role name only.
    • Description Only – Displays description only.
    • Default Value: Displays roles and descriptions.
    If this field is not configured, the role and the description are displayed on the
    Role Selection
    Page during the device login.
    Role Selection Quantity
    The number of roles allowed for the selection in the Profile Client Role Selection page.
    Possible Values: 1 to 4
    Default Value: 4
    If this field is not configured, a maximum of 4 roles are allowed in the
    Role Selection
    Page during device login.
    Flat File Variance
    Threshold in %
    This is the file variance threshold allowed in percentage.
    Variance is checked for a higher or lower boundary.
    Import job execution fails if the number of records in the user import flat file is beyond the allowed variance, After comparing with the previous successful run.
    This is to prevent any incomplete user import flat file from being used during import, which would result in deleting the records which are not present in the flat file.
    If this field is not configured, then there is no validation during the user import.
    Possible Values: 1 to 100
    Notification Email
    One or more email addresses are separated by commas.
    If the job execution fails, the mail is sent to these emails
    If the same email id is configured in the job scheduler, email notifications for failure, or both, the user receives multiple emails if the job fails.
    Zebra Enterprise Messaging Server (ZEMS)
    ZEMS Url
    ZEMS Server URL.
    Requires if the ZEMS Manager association is required during user import.
    ZEMS API Key
    ZEMS Server API Key
    Requires if the ZEMS Manager association is required during user import.
    Utilization Threshold In %
    Device License Utilization Threshold in Percentage.
    Sends the email to the configured emails if the defned threshold value exceeds.
    Possible values: 1 to 100
    Default Value: Empty
    NOTE: Threshold check is done based on the cron job setting (scheduler.notification.cron) specified in the deployment configuration. This should be set to once in a day
    Utilization Notification Email
    List of email addresses separated by comma (,) or can be a group email ID.
    Must be a valid email address.
    Default Value: Empty
    Email body contains tenant name and license utilization details.