Create Device User Role
Create Device User Role

Create Device User Role

Your privileges must permit you to create device user roles.
  1. From the dashboard, click
    Device User Roles
    Device User Roles
    screen appears.
    Device User Roles Screen
  2. Click
    Create Device User Role
    Create Device User Roles
    dialog box appears.
    Create Device User Role Dialog Box
  3. Enter the role name in
    . Only alphanumeric and _.*#!/?$ characters are allowed. Roles are mapped to the PTT Pro group name. The maximum length allowed for the PTT Pro group is 33 characters. Generally, the group name is prefixed with the site name. Hence, one must limit the role name's length to 33 characters to accommodate the site name.
  4. Enter a description of the role in
  5. Make a selection in
    PTT Pro Group
    No Device User Role (a.k.a. group) is created in
    PTT Pro
    The Device User Role is created as a Static group in
    PTT Pro
    when users are imported from Active Directory (AD) to
    PTT Pro
    . The Static group in
    PTT Pro
    contains all imported users, and the static group does not allow users to be added or removed when the Device User changes/switches their Device User Role in the WFC Profile Client application.
    The Device User Role is created as a Dynamic group in
    PTT Pro
    when users are imported from Active Directory (AD) to
    PTT Pro
    . The Dynamic group is created empty, without any users inside of it. When a Device User changes/switches their Device User Role in the WFC Profile Client application, the group settings are updated appropriately in PTT Pro based on the "Add to AllDynamicGroup" tenant configuration.
  6. Enable
    Transfer Role
    , if the Voice Role is transferable between 2 users. It enables the user to take ownership of the Role/Extension from another user who is currently owning the Role/Extension but may not be actively using it. If the
    Transfer Role
    configuration is turned off at the Tenant configuration level, and then nobody can change this configuration. This configuration is applicable only to the Voice Profile. The PTT Pro group must not be assigned to this role.
  7. Click
    Create Device User Roles
    dialog box closes, and the new role appears on the
    Device User Roles