Edit a Device User
Edit a Device User

Edit a Device User

Your privileges must permit you to edit device users.
  1. From the dashboard, click
    Device Users
    Device Users
    screen appears.
  2. Click for the device user you wish to edit.
    Edit Device
    User dialog box appears.
  3. Update the fields as in Add a Device User.
  4. Select either
    Role Level
    for the user. If the
    Role Level
    is selected, the associated roles to the
    Role Level
    are assigned to the user. If both
    Role Level
    are provided, the
    Role Level
    takes precedence over the
    . If the user enables
    Save Role Selection
    during the device Login, any changes to the associated user roles clear the
    Save Role Selection
    flag so that the user is presented with a
    Role Selection
    screen when the user logs in next time.
    If your role allows you to reset the passwords of device users, you can use the Edit Device User dialog to do this. To reset the password of the device user, add a temporary password to the Password and Confirm Password fields. Provide the device user with a temporary password. Then the device user can log into the system and change their temporary password to a different password.
  5. Click