Bulk Add Users

Bulk Add Users

The Bulk Load feature lets you batch-load users from an Excel (.xslx) sheet. The Bulk Load option is under your
PTT Pro Management Login
and above the
PTT Pro Operational Functions
  1. Select
    Bulk Load
    and then select
    to display the list of templates.
  2. Download the
    template to your local system and open it to edit.
    Enter the fields of the user template to add users to the department.
    Ensure no spaces, dashes, or () symbols are in any field. Extra fields or symbols will cause the upload to fail.
    Select add:User. (Required)
    Enter the customer name. (Required)
    Enter the department name. (Required)
    User Login
    Enter a unique user name identifying the user in the enterprise. The name must be made up of letters, numbers, and "."s, and between 3-16 characters long. Examples are John.Smith or Bus.57. (Required)
    First Name
    Enter the user's first name. This must be at least one character and can contain letters or numbers. (Required)
    Last Name
    Enter the user's last name. This must be at least three characters and can contain letters or numbers. (Required)
    Select the two-digit code from the drop-down list. The country field is used to provide the telephone prefix. (Required)
    Phone Number
    Activation messages are delivered to this phone number. Must be empty or less than 20 characters. If you populate the Phone Number and Email Address fields, the user receives an SMS and email activation messages. (Optional)
    Email Address
    Activation messages are delivered to this email address. If you populate the Phone Number and Email Address fields, the user receives an SMS and email activation message. (Optional)
    Reserved fro Android 9 or earlier. (Optional)
    Send Text
    Select Yes or No from the drop-down list. (Required)
    Client Type
    Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list. (Required)
    Activation Type
    Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list. (Required)
    Maximal Contacts
    Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list. If you select Yes, all department members are add to the user's contact list. (Required)
    Feature Key Template
    Enter the name of the Feature Key Template. (Optional)
    Settings Template
    Enter the name of the Settings Template. (Optional)
  3. Save the template file as an .xslx file.
  4. Select
    Bulk Loads
    and then select
    Drag the updated spreadsheet to the top of  the dialog or click Add and select the file.
  5. Drag the .xslx file over the
    Add Bulk Load
    dialog box or select
    and upload the file from your computer.
  6. Enter a title for the bulk load job and select
    Submit and Run
    The Ignore Dup Errors option prevents the bulk upload from creating a duplicate row in the database.
  7. If errors are found in the file, correct the errors and upload the file again.
Imported users are added to the Users table for the department.