To view a user's groups, select the user’s name from the
column and then select the
User's Group Tab
The list shows all groups of which the user is a member, with the following information:
Group Name
Name of the group. Group names that include a percentage sign indicate groups created on a device rather than by the Administrator. Two types of groups can be created on a device:
Personal Groups have the format GroupName@CreatorsName.
Member Groups are indicated with the format GroupName%CreatorsName.
Receive Calls
Yes indicates that this user is configured to receive calls made to this group.
No indicates that the user is not included when calls are made to this group.
Originate Calls
Yes indicates that this user can originate calls to this group.
No indicates that the user cannot create a call to this group.
Talker Override
In a group call, members with this option can take the floor from a speaker unless the current speaker also has talker override.