Read Barcode
Read Barcode

Read Barcode

Configure barcode decode settings such as Inverse 1D, ROI overlap, or ROI search.
Read DPM and Barcode Settings
Inverse 1D
Choose the type of barcode to read.
Minimum Percentage Barcode/ROI Overlap
Define the minimum percentage a barcode needs to be contained within ROI to decode. For 1D barcodes, this applies only to the horizontal (X) dimension. For 2D barcodes, this applies to horizontal and vertical (X & Y) dimensions.
No Read String
Define the data that should be output if no barcode is read (in place of barcode data in a successful read, as opposed to no output at all).
Enable Adaptive ROI Search
Enabling Adaptive ROI allows the underlying barcode scanning algorithm to alter (shrink and reposition) the area of the ROI for subsequent reads based on the presence of past-read barcodes, providing better-performing barcode reads. The small/medium/large drop-down settings alter the generation of the adapted ROI component.
Barcode String Match
Enable this setting to define the pass/fail criteria based on the contents of the decoded barcode.
Enable Barcode Quality Metrics
Enable this checkbox to enable BQM outputs (Overall Grade)
Minimum BQM Grade
Enable this option to use a threshold for issuing a pass or fail based on the BQM “overall grade” for each barcode scan.
For example: By setting the threshold between C and D, if a barcode achieves a BQM grade of A, B, or C, the job/tool issues a pass.   If the overall grade is a D or an F, it will issue a fail.
Send Decode on Failure
By default, if a barcode is read but has a failing BQM grade (as defined by the
Minimum BQM Grade
threshold above), its data is not output (to either the
screen or various outputs such as TCPIP/Serial/USB).  
If this is enabled, the decoded data is still output, even if the BQM Overall Grade is a failing grade (as per the
Minimum BQM Grad
e threshold).