General Locate Circle Settings
General Locate Circle Settings

General Locate Circle Settings

General Locate Circle Settings
Find By
Describes which result is reported as filter output:
  • Best Score - searches for the best match to the detected edges within a given ROI.
  • Largest Circle - returns the largest circle that matches the edges found in a given ROI.
  • Smallest Circle - returns the smallest circle that matches the edges found in a given ROI.
Transition Type
Determines what is considered an edge in a given image.
  • Blended - any change in pixel intensity determines an edge.
  • Both - changes from dark to bright pixels or changes from dark to bright pixels determine an edge.
  • Dark to Light - changes from dark to bright pixels determine an edge.
  • Light to Dark - changes from bright to dark pixels determine an edge.
Maximum Edge Magnitude
The minimum acceptable edge strength.
Edge Profile
Displays the contrast score of the features across the region of interest.
Scale Calibration
Calibrates pixel values to engineering units.