Diagnostic LED/7-segment Display

Diagnostic LED/7-segment Display

The internal 7-segment one-character display (1) is visible inside the scanner vertical window. Letter(s) and number(s) scroll one character at a time through the display to provide error and warning codes, scale legal parameters, and guidance during scale calibration. When a message completes, the display pauses for two seconds, then the message repeats continuously.
When there are no issues, a dash displays to show the 7-segment display is operational.
  • An error or warning message repeats until the issue is resolved.
  • A message related to scale calibration repeats until calibration is completed.
  • A message related to the CAL/PAR display repeats until the inspector/tester releases the Scale Zero button.
7-segment Diagnostic Display
See Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Error Codes for status and troubleshooting messages.