Legal Scale Units (Unit Selection) - Kilograms or Pounds

Legal Scale Units (Unit Selection) - Kilograms or Pounds

This section addresses selecting the legal parameter unit (when the scale is in Calibration Mode).
  • Automatic zero setting is enabled for metric scales (kg) and disabled for US scales (lb).
  • If enabled, automatic zero setting is performed if the weight has remained below zero and stable (for example, no motion on the platter) for at least 5 seconds. The scale is automatically set to zero when the 5 seconds expires.
  • If the weight units change from lb to kg, this setting is enabled after a cold power start of the MP72. A scale reset (for example, via the Scale Reset STISCLRST barcode) WILL NOT enable this setting. Likewise, if weight units change from kg to lb, this setting is disabled. This setting is illegal for US (lb) scales.
To change the legal parameter Unit Selection (when the scale is in a Calibration Mode):
  1. Verify the units of weight measurement by checking the Scale Display icon (the icon displays either lb or kg units), or the 7-segment display which scrolls either lb or g (g indicates kg).
  2. If the weight unit must be changed (for example, from kg units to lb), scan the appropriate barcode in Legal Scale Units. If you do not change the default or current weight unit, the scale calibrates with the default (kg) or previously programmed unit.
    The unit selection legal parameter can be scanned at any time after entering Calibration Mode. After a successful scan, Calibration Mode restarts at Calibration at NO LOAD.
    For additional scale parameter barcodes, refer to the MP72 Scanner Scale Barcode Programming Guide.