For some applications, you may need to change the ZPL II default delimiter (,) the format command default prefix (^), and/or the control command default prefix (~). Any ASCII character may be set as the delimiter.
The delimiters used in the incoming ZPL script must match the delimiters set on the printer. If you change the delimiters on the printer, any ZPL script that uses the default delimiters will not work.
You might change these characters if you are using a hand-held terminal that does not have a comma to enter the ZPL II commands, if you are working with a mainframe that has trouble processing the caret, or if you find some other character(s) easier to use.
Reasons to set an alternate delimiter include, but are not limited to:
you are using a hand-held terminal that does not have a comma to enter the ZPL II commands;
you are working with a host system that does not easily output the default delimiter (for example, AS/400)
you find some other character(s) easier to use.