Disguising Control Code Characters

Disguising Control Code Characters

There may be occasions when ASCII Control Codes (00H - 19H) must be included as part of the Data Format block of a Request Packet. To eliminate any problems, these characters must be disguised so that the communication protocol does not act on them.
This procedure must be used to disguise each Control Code.
  • A SUB (1AH) character must precede each Control Code placed in the Data Format block.
  • The value of 40H must be added to the Hex value of the Control Code.
  • The ASCII Character corresponding to the total value produced in step 2 must be entered in the Data Format right after the SUB character.
The Zebra printer automatically converts the modified control character back to its correct value by discarding the SUB (1AH) character and subtracting 40H from the next character.
To include a DLE (10H) character in the Data Format block:
1. Enter a SUB (1AH) character into the Data Format.
2. Add 40H to the DLE value of 10H for a resulting value of 50H.
3. Enter the ASCII character “P” (50H) in the Data Format after the SUB character.
This technique is counted as two characters of the 1024 allowed in the Data Format block.