Basic Configuration

Basic Configuration

To determine how much configuration is necessary the following questions should be considered:
  1. Is the remote server the printer is attempting to connect to outside the corporate firewall?
  2. Does the firewall require a username and password to access the remote server?
  3. Does the printer require a proxy server to access the remote server?
  4. Does the firewall permit HTTPS connections initially or does the printer need to connect via HTTP first?
    If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, then more than the basic configuration may be necessary. Depending upon the network environment that the printer is in, accessing the remote server may only require that a few settings be set.
    The minimum requirement is that the URL for the remote server be set. For simplicity, assume that only conn1 is being used (this is the typical scenario). See also Difference Between Conn1 and Conn2.
    To configure the printer to connect to the remote server:
    i. Set
    to the URL of the remote server.
    The URL must conform to the standards described in RFC3986 ( For example, if the remote servlet’s full URL is
    Configure the location setting as follows:
    ! U1 setvar "weblink.ip.conn1.location" ""
    ii. Reset the printer.
    When the printer has an IP address, it will attempt to connect to the remote server. In the event that the remote server does not indicate that the printer has connected, logging may need to be enabled in order to determine the failure.