Error Detection Protocol Application

Error Detection Protocol Application

The following are the basic requirements for setting up the Zebra printer to use the Error Detection Protocol.
Activating the Protocol
Protocol is a front panel selection, or can be done with the ZPL command
Setting Up Communications
Insure that the Host computer and the Zebra printer are characterized with the same communication parameters; i.e., Parity, Baud Rate, etc. The communications must be set up for 8 data bits.
Setting the Printer ID Number
The Protocol uses the printer’s Network ID number to insure communication with the proper unit. The Network ID is programmed into the printer by sending the printer a
(Network ID Number) command or done through the front panel.
If there is only one printer connected to the Host computer, the Network ID number should be set to all zeros (default).
If there is more than one printer, such as in a broadcast or multi-drop environment, each printer should be assigned its own unique ID number. Printers in this environment, with an ID of all zeros, will receive ALL label formats regardless of the actual printer ID number in the DST. Z-ID block of the Request Packet.