Data Block Fields

Data Block Fields

This section provides a list of data block fields.
  • STX (Start of Text)
    The Zebra printer interprets this character as the beginning of the variable-length Data Format portion of the Request Packet. The ASCII Control Code character STX (02H) is used as the Start of Text Character.
  • DATA FORMAT (Label Information)
    A variable-length portion of the Request Packet that contains the complete or partial ZPL II label format, or partial data string (such as a downloaded graphic).
    This field can contain from 0 to 1024 characters. If the Format of a label is longer than 1024 characters, the Data Format fields from consecutive packets will be concatenated together in the printer’s Receive Data Buffer as if they were sent as one long direct transmission.
    Special consideration has been given to the possible requirement to include ASCII Control Characters (values less than 20H) in the Data Format portion of a Request Packet. Characters such as EOT (04H), STX (02H), SOH (01H), and ETX (03H), are part of the Error Detection Protocol and could interrupt normal communication procedures if received at the wrong time.
  • ETX (End of Text)
    The Zebra printer interprets this character as the end of the variable length Data Format portion of the Request Packet. The ASCII Control Code character ETX (03H) is used as the End of Text Character.
  • CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
    The CRC is a 2 character field. A Cyclic Redundancy Check is a type of error checking used to maintain the validity and integrity of the information transmitted between the Host computer and the Zebra printer. This Protocol uses the 16-bit CCITT method of producing a CRC.
    The CRC is a two-byte value derived from the contents of the packet between, but not including, the SOH character and the CRC code itself. The Zebra printer will calculate a CRC of the Request Packet received and compare the value with the CRC Value in this field. The CRC of the Request Packet must match the CRC calculated by the Zebra printer in order for the Request Packet to be valid.
  • EOT (End of Transmission)
    The Zebra printer interprets this character as the end of the Request Packet. The ASCII Control Code character EOT (04H) is used as the End of Transmission Character.