

This command will cause the printer to immediately run the head test on all printhead elements. The command can also display the result of the last head element test.


To run the head test on all printhead elements:
! U1 do "head.element_test" ""


To display the result of the last head element test:
! U1 getvar "head.element_test"
The possible getvar responses include:
  • "Head Elements OK"
    All head elements passed the test.
  • "n, n..."
    A comma-separated list of elements that failed the test.
  • "Initialization Failed"
    The test could not start.
  • "Failed to Attach"
    The test could not start.
  • "Please Run Test"
    Default response if there are no results to display.
  • "In Progress"
    The element test has been started but not completed yet.
"Please Run Test"
This example shows a single element that failed the test.
This example shows a list of elements that failed the test.