This is an example of
dpi conversion:
1 rem **************************************************
1 rem Zebra Technologies ZBI Sample Program
1 rem
1 rem Professional programming services are available. Please contact
1 rem ZBI-Experts@zebra.com for more information.
1 rem
1 rem This is an example of converting a printer from 200 dpi (dots
1 rem per inch
1 rem to 300 dpi. This example covers only some of the ZPL commands
1 rem that
1 rem could be affected by converting from 200 to 300 dpi printing.
1 rem **************************************************
1 rem open the ports for input and output
1 rem **************************************************
10 close #1
20 close #2
30 open #1 : name "PAR"
40 open #2 : name "ZPL"
1 rem **************************************************
1 rem create an array with the search parameters
1 rem **************************************************
50 declare string find$(20)
60 let find$(1) = "^FO"
70 let find$(2) = "^A0"
80 let find$(3) = "^GB"
90 let find$(4) = "^XZ"
100 let find$(5) = "^A@"
110 let find$(6) = "^LL"
120 let find$(7) = "^LH"
130 let find$(8) = "FO"
140 let find$(9) = "A0"
150 let find$(10) = "GB"
160 let find$(11) = "XZ"
170 let find$(12) = "A@"
180 let find$(14) = "LH"
190 let find$(15) = "^BY"
200 let find$(16) = "BY"
210 let find$(17) = "^B3"
220 let find$(18) = "B3"
1 rem *******************************************************
1 rem search for the parameters
1 rem *******************************************************
300 do
310 let in$ = searchto$(1, find$, 2)
1 rem ********************************************************
1 rem once a parameter is found, determine how to handle it
1 rem ********************************************************
320 if in$ = "^FO" or in$ = "FO" then
330 gosub 520
340 else if in$ = "^LH" or in$ = "LH" then
350 gosub 520
360 else if in$ = "^A0" or in$ = "A0" then
370 gosub 700
380 else if in$ = "^A@" or in$ = "A@" then
390 gosub 700
400 else if in$ = "^GB" or in$ = "GB" then
410 gosub 1100
420 else if in$ = "^LL" then
430 gosub 1300
440 else if in$ = "^BY" or in$ = "BY" then
450 gosub 1400
460 else if in$ = "^B3" or in$ = "B3" then
470 gosub 1600
480 else if in$ = "^XZ" then
490 print #2: in$;
500 end if
510 loop
1 rem ********************************************************
1 rem convert the ^FO and ^LH commands from 200 to 300 dpi
1 rem ********************************************************
520 inbyte #1: a$
530 let a = ord(a$)
540 if a >= 65 then
550 print #2: in$&a$;
560 goto 660
570 end if
580 let x$ = extract$(1, "", ", ")
590 let x2$ = a$&x$
600 let y$ = extract$(1, "", "^")
610 let x = val(x2$)
620 let y = val(y$)
630 let x2 = (x/2)+x
640 let y2 = (y/2)+y
650 print #2: in$; x2; ","; y2; "^";
660 return
1 rem ********************************************************
1 rem convert the ^A0 and ^A@ commands from 200 to 300 dpi
1 rem ********************************************************
700 inbyte #1: a$
710 let a = ord(a$)
720 let b = 0
730 let c = 0
740 if a >= 65 then
750 print #2: in$&a$; ",";
760 let b = 1
770 end if
780 inbyte #1: a$
790 let h$ = extract$(1, "", ",")
800 if in$ = "^A@" or in$ = "A@" then
810 let c = 1
820 let w$ = extract$(1, "", ",")
830 let m$ = extract$(1, "", "^")
840 else
850 let w$ = extract$(1, "", "^")
860 end if
870 let h = val(h$)
880 let w = val(w$)
900 let h2 = (h/2) + h
910 let w2 = (w/2) + w
920 if b = 1 then
930 print #2: h2; ","; w2;
940 else
950 print #2: in$&"N,"; h2; ","; w2;
960 end if
970 if c = 1 then
980 print #2: ","; m$;
990 end if
1000 print #2: "^";
1010 return
1 rem ********************************************************
1 rem convert the ^GB command from 200 to 300 dpi
1 rem ********************************************************
1020 let w$ = extract$(1, "", ",")
1030 let h$ = extract$(1, "", ",")
1040 let t$ = extract$(1, "", "^")
1050 let h = val(h$)
1060 let w = val(w$)
1070 let t = val(t$)
1080 let h2 = (h/2)+ h
1090 let w2 = (w/2)+ w
1100 let t2 = (t/2)+ t
1110 print #2: in$; w2; ","; h2; ","; t2; "^";
1120 return
1 rem ********************************************************
1 rem convert the ^LL command from 200 to 300 dpi
1 rem ********************************************************
1300 let l$ = extract$(1, "", "^")
1310 let l = VAL(l$)
1320 let l2 = (l/2) + l
1330 print #2: in$; l2; "^";
1340 return
1 rem ********************************************************
1 rem convert the ^BY command from 200 to 300 dpi
1 rem ********************************************************
1400 inbyte #1: a$
1410 let a = ord(a$)
1420 if a >= 48 and a <= 57 then
1460 let x$ = extract$(1, "", ", ")
1470 let x2$ = a$&x$
1480 let x = val(x2$)
1490 let x2 = (x/2) + x
1500 if x2 > 10 then
1510 let x2 = 10
1520 end if
1530 print #2: in$; x2; ",";
1540 else
1550 print #2: in$; a$;
1560 end if
1570 return
1 rem ********************************************************
1 rem convert the ^B3 command from 200 to 300 dpi
1 rem ********************************************************
1600 let o$ = extract$(1, "", ", ")
1610 let e$ = extract$(1, "", ", ")
1620 let h$ = extract$(1, "", ", ")
1630 let h = val(h$)
1640 let h2 = (h/2) + h
1650 print #2: in$; o$; ","; e$; ","; h2; ",";
1660 return