Basic Configuration

Basic Configuration

To determine how much configuration is necessary, consider the following questions:
  • Is the remote server that the printer is attempting to connect to outside of the corporate firewall?
  • Does the firewall require a username and password to access the remote server?
  • Does the printer require a proxy server to access the remote server?
If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, then more than the basic configuration may be necessary. Depending upon the network environment that the printer is in access the remote server may only require that a few settings be set.
To configure an alert to be sent via HTTP POST to a remote server, issue the following command:
! U1 setvar "alerts.add" "PRINTER PAUSED,HTTP POST,Y,Y,,0,N,"
The above command will issue an HTTP POST alert to the remote server ( when the printer is paused or un-paused.
  • The first parameter indicates the condition to monitor. A list of available alert conditions can be viewed by issuing:
! U1 getvar "alerts.conditions"
  • The second parameter indicates the alert destination. For the purposes of this section HTTP-POST is the preferred destination. A list of available alert destinations can be viewed by issuing:
! U1 getvar "alerts.destinations"
  • The third and fourth parameters are ‘Send on Set’ and ‘Send on Clear’, respectively. They can be either "Y" for monitor the alert or "N" for don’t monitor the alert. If both are set to "N" then the alert will not be added or it will be deleted if the alert already existed. To view which alerts already exist issue:
! U1 getvar "alerts.configured"
  • The fifth parameter holds the URL for the server that will be sent the HTTP POST. It holds a maximum of 255 characters for the URL and it must conform to the URI standards described in RFC3986 (
  • The sixth parameter should be set to 0 for HTTP POST alerts.
  • The seventh parameter and eighth parameter will not be covered in this section and should be set as indicated in the description above. See the SGD documentation for details on these two parameters.