10 CLOSE ALL 20 LET SERVER_HANDLE = SERVERSOCKET("TCPX",19100) 30 REM There are no connections yet we are just listening for them 40 REM Lets loop until we get a connection 50 SLEEP 1 60 LET INPORT = ACCEPT(SERVER_HANDLE,CLIENT_INFO$) 70 ON ERROR GOTO 50 80 PRINT #INPORT: "You have successfully connected!" 90 PRINT #INPORT: "Login:"; 100 INPUT #INPORT: LOGIN$ 110 PRINT #INPORT: "Password:"; 120 INPUT #INPORT: PASSWORD$ 130 REM We will not be nice and reject the connection 130 PRINT #INPORT: "Login failed" 140 CLOSE #INPORT 150 GOTO 60 ! Go look for the next connection 160 END