

When using Mirror, updating the configuration and firmware on the printer is remotely managed from a centralized FTP server. Configurations can be uniformly deployed to individual printers or to groups of printers. Unique Configurations can also be targeted to printers as needed.
Through the "Feedback" feature, Administrators can easily log and monitor configuration updates on a printer-by-printer basis.
Typical uses of Mirror include:
  • configuring printers as they are first received
  • performing scheduled maintenance updates, sending firmware, fonts, graphics and other objects to the printer as needed
  • changing printer Configurations in order to move printers from one role to another
This figure provides an illustration of Mirroring.
Mirror Illustration
Workstation — sends SGD commands to the printer to configure it for Mirror use.
FTP Server — Stores configuration files and responds to Mirror requests from the printer. Receives and stores “Feedback” content.
Access Point — wireless network infrastructure
Hub — wired network infrastructure
Zebra Printer(s) — Configured using SGD commands. Sends Mirror requests to the FTP server to receive files. Transmits “Feedback” content to the FTP server to log Mirror event transactions and resulting printer settings.