

This command creates a user variable with the specified name, type, range, and default value. The root SGD location for user variables is


To instruct the printer to create a user variable with the specified parameters:
! U1 setvar "device.user_vars.create" "name:type:range:defaultValue"
  • name
    is the name of the SGD to appear in
    . The name can be anything from 1 to 64 printable ASCII characters. Any '.' within the name will be replaced with '_'. (e.g.
    will be changed to
    . The name must be unique in the
    branch or it will not be created. The name will be converted to lower case.
  • type
    is one of STRING, INTEGER, DOUBLE, CHOICES, UPDOWNCHOICES, UPDOWNINTEGER, UPDOWNDOUBLE. The type must be one of these types or the variable will not be created.
    • STRING - For strings, the range indicates the min/max length of the data that can be stored. If the range is left blank, the default range is a string length of 0-1024. There is no maximum string length, however, if large data is placed into the variables the user should be aware that system memory and performance will be affected. Strings larger than available system memory will not be stored. Values should attempt to stay around, or below, 5K.
    • INTEGER/UPDOWNINTEGER - For integers the range can be any number expressed by a 32-bit integer, signed or unsigned. If the range is left blank then a range of -32768 to 32767 will be used.
    • DOUBLE/UPDOWNDOUBLE - A double can be any value within the range of +/–1.7e308. If the range is left blank then a range of -32768.0 to 32767.0 will be used.
    • CHOICES/UPDOWNCHOICES - Choices must be specified in a comma delimited list. The range cannot be blank if the type is CHOICES or UPDOWNCHOICES.
  • range
    is expressed as x-y. The range of a variable depends upon the type. Some types will create default ranges, while others will fail to be created if the range is invalid or not specified.
  • default
    is the default value for the variable. The value must fall within the range specified or the variable will not be created. If the type is INTEGER, UPDOWNINTEGER, DOUBLE, UPDOWNDOUBLE the default value will be 0 if not specified. For STRING the default value will be an empty string if it is not specified. CHOICES and UPDOWNCHOICES must have a default value and it must be one of the choices within the specified range.
    All four parts of the creation string must be present (some can be empty) meaning that there must be three delimiter characters (':') present. There is no error shown or indicated otherwise when the variable is not created for some reason. If the variable is not created one of the rules listed above has been violated.
    Any user variables will be deleted from the device.user_vars branch on a power cycle (they won't be recreated on the next power up).
    Defaulting the user_vars branch will restore the consumers back to their defaulted values and will not remove them from the user_vars branch.
To create a user variable named
that is an integer with a minimum of 1, a maximum of 10, and a default/initial value of 5, issue this command:
! U1 setvar "device.user_vars.create" "userVar1:INTEGER:1-10:5"
After issuing the above “create” command the
SGD will be present in an ALLCV response.
After issuing the above “create” command the
SGD may be set via:
! U1 setvar "device.user_vars.userVar1" "2"
After issuing the above “create” command the
SGD may be retrieved via:
! U1 getvar "device.user_vars.userVar1"